Important Information
If you have Acute Chest Pain, a Major Laceration or Severe Asthma
please attend your nearest hospital or dial 000.
Standard Consult - $80
​Longer Consult - $125
​Extended Consult - $165
Bulk Billing is available for children under the age of 18.
Bulk Billing may be available for Pensioners and Health Care Card holders.
​Surgical Procedures with Dr C.Grabowski incur an out of pocket fee of $150.00.
Please call 9700 0077 to schedule your next appointment.
Phone consultations are available for existing patients.
Emergencies may be given priority.
Except in the case of an emergency, if you attend the clinic without an appointment you may have to wait a considerable time to see a Doctor.
Please notify reception of cancellations as early as possible.
Please book a longer appointment for:
New Patients
Full Body Skin Checks
Mental Health Care Plans
Health Assessments
Cosmetic Procedures
If you require longer than 15 minutes with the Doctor.
After Hours Service
In case of emergency, call 000 for an ambulance, or go to your nearest emergency department.
For After Hours medical attention please contact our Home Doctor Service on 13 26 60. You can also book online at DoctorDoctor.com.au
Home Visits are occasionally available if there is a medical condition preventing the patient form traveling.
Home visits are NOT available for those who don't normally attend this clinic.
All routine infant and child vaccinations are provided free of charge and can be given by our practice nurse on Wednesday or Friday by appointment (remember to bring your Infant health booklet).
Adult tetanus and diphtheria vaccinations are also provided free of charge.
We can advise you regarding other vaccines, including those recommended for overseas travel.
We do provide vaccinations and boosters against Covid-19.
Referrals, Scripts, Results
To see a specialist, you will need to obtain a referral from your GP beforehand. We are unable to provide this service over the phone.
All requests for prescriptions require an appointment.
Your Doctor will advise you when your results are expected to come in. It's in your best interest to make an appointment to discuss results with your Doctor.
Calls and Advice
If you call and need to speak to a Doctor, occasionally they may be able to take your call, otherwise we will schedule a short phone appointment later that day.
You may book a phone appointment instead of coming in to the clinic. We can only give you a very rough time when the Doctor will give you a call.
Advice cannot be given over the phone if you are not a registered patient of the practice.
You are a valued patient of this practice.
Your personal health information is treated as private and confidential at all times.
Our doctors and staff maintain the privacy and security of your health information according to current privacy laws.
Reminder System
Our practice is committed to preventative care. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. We also issue reminder calls for other follow up care (immunisations, follow up results, health checks, cervical screening etc). If you do not wish to be a part of this system please let reception know.
Email & Social Media
Email is NOT the recommended form of communication with the practice or its staff.
Email correspondence is mainly used to send copies of results and referrals previously discussed with the Doctor (via Telehealth), and is undertaken with appropriate regard to privacy.
There are risks associated with communicating sensitive information via email, in that, it could be intercepted or read by someone other than the intended recipient/patient.
Our email address is only made available upon request, thus noting a patient's consent to be emailed.
Reception staff check emails regularly, but may not be able to respond straight away due to demands in the office.
Endeavour Hills Family Practice does NOT have or maintain any social media accounts.
Suggestions relating to the clinic can be placed in the suggestion box at reception.
Endeavour Hills Family Practice care about the service we provide. Please feel free to discuss it with us.